Thursday, 30 December 2010
2011 To-do list
Anyway, here goes not in any particular order:
1. - Go to America at least once in 2011, preferably LA
2. - Get some more weight and muscle tone to my body...I wanna be ripped and muscled maybe then companies will use me and I need to join a gym
3. - get some work with more porn companies, be them UK based or not
4. - Get a job that suits my financial needs and covers rent and all the bills I need to pay out
5. - Make some more friends and have a social life
6. - Get at least one new big tattoo and one new piercing
7. - Go to Gran Canaria Pride 2011 in May
8. - Either move to a bigger house in Blackpool or move to Manchester and rent a flat
9. - Not get into massive debt
10. - Visit my family more often
11. - Buy an iPad
Some of these are not essential, but if I set them down then I can add moe as the year goes on...hopefully it won't be too damn long haha
Wednesday, 29 December 2010
Thanks to @Blue_Fantasy on Twitter for this
Well, I have already made my New Years Resolution, of making at least one trip to America in 2011. Now it will mainly be to see if I can do some porn out there, so I'm wondering where has the most studios, I'm sure it's either California or LA...and also, how many would use me if I went out there?
But also if I went to LA I could go to Six Flags Magic Mountain (woop secret theme park geek)
What do you all think?
Saturday, 18 December 2010
Anyway, I've been very busy painting and decorating my new flat (pics to come soon) and it's looking rather if any of you are in the area, give me a shout and pop round for a coffee =D
Porn wise, I'm convinced that the work has dried up...for me anyway. Finished with Boynapped (long story) so I don't think they'll be using me again. Adamjacks, the work is few and far between, but they are my last hope. I nearly got to work for UKNakedMen twice, once with Dillon Buck and another time with JP Dubois...and both times I missed it! It reminds me of the time I nearly ended up working with Matt Hughes...4 times I nearly ended up doing it, and 4 times something stopped me...and now he doesn't do gay I'm right royally pissed off with that one tut >:-(
So I'm looking at branching out into professional modelling...I haven't got the body for it, unless it was something like Topman or a clothing range. But i'll give it a go, I'm more looking at the portfolio stuff, artistic, homo-erotic...sort of like soft core porn.
I'm not giving up on the porn just yet though, as I thoroughly love doing it enjoy every minute...but when it gets to the point of no company in the UK wanting to use me, then I will seriously consider packing it all in... regrettably.
My hair is now a mohawk btw, in response to my last post's black with blue bits in it...looks rather nice if I do say so myself...even though I did cut it myself and dye it might look a right state haha.
Anyway, just to let you all know, I am still alive and kicking...and hope to continue regularly updating this thing =D
Friday, 12 November 2010
New stuff
Well, what a month this has been, it's getting far too close to Christmas for my liking...I best start thinking about presents and stuff :-S
Anyway, I went and did a duo for the other week, and it's up on the site already! How awesome is that! There is the link if you wanna go have a look hehe. I was working with the amazing Steven Prior, and as always, it's a pleasure to work with him hehe
So yeah, aside from that I've been pretty boring, nothing much fun has happened to me...apart from I met a guy the other night and he decided he was gonna be a bit rough, and ended up, fucking my throat, there's no other words to describe was rather nice actually, although I did feel like I was about to die from lack of air at one point. He was quite fit too, a gym instructor, hairy, muscled...I'm getting myself turned on again just thinking about it.
On a different note, I have changed my hair colour (again) and it is now a dark red/ginger colour, it actually looks quite nice to be honest haha. I do however have a mohawk as well, so it's a bit extreme. I am in two minds wether to shave it off or not, and go down to a number 1 or 2 all over...what do you think?
Friday, 29 October 2010
What movies can we expect you in soon? What companies have you shot for already?
I should be in a movie with Cazzo soon, but I don't know when that will be released. I have shot for Boynapped and Adamjacks recently. My Adamjacks scene has just gone up today
Thursday, 28 October 2010
Any kinks you like?
I love watersports, bondage, sportsgear, body hair, leather, older and big cocks lol...does that help?
Wednesday, 27 October 2010
Halloween *does ghosty noises*
I shall post pictures of it once I've completed it :-P...but until then you shall have to wait and see what it is. All I shall say it, it doesn't leave much to the imagination ;-).
It should be good, cause it was a fucking hassle to get it all sorted and get everything together. So if I don't pull it off I shall be righty royally pissed off!
No pressure haha!
Monday, 25 October 2010
Are you a shooter or does it just ooze?
I'm a bit of both, depends how horny I am...normally I shoot hehe
What do you think is the most difficult thing about the industry of porn ?
The most difficult thing for me would have to be models and producers who are up their own arses and think that they are the best thing in porn...ever! It's such hard work dealing with those kinds of people
Sunday, 24 October 2010 this my real mind or my sex mind talking?
There is no one round the area I live that is remotely my type...yet I am having dark thoughts about them, thinking stuff in a sexual way!
Last night I stayed at the guys house who I do most of my porn work for these days, I slept downstairs on a blow-up mattress...half way through the night (and I can't remember this) I got up, took the bed up two flights of stairs and put it down next to the bed of the porn producer and started to hump it and speak loudly in my sleep. Now I know I'm already a sexsomniac (I have sex in my sleep, or try to at least) which is either good news or bad news for people who sleep next to me. But I've never managed to walk very far in my sleep.
I am so god damn horny though, it's untrue!
Is there any way to find online some of your str8 work?
none of my str8 work has been published, but I'd love to do some more if there are any str8/bi studios in the UK willing to hire me hehe
Saturday, 23 October 2010
Drunken Antics
The night started off fairly gentle, we we're only meant to be going out for a few drinks to leave the house while we fumigated it (our cats have fleas booo). 3 Guinness's and 4 double vodka's and coke later, we decided to go for a bit of a dance and cheap drinks at the local gay club. This was the beginning of the end as it were.
My flatmates Mark and Quin came out with me and they were just as bad...I ended up loosing them at some point and had to entertain my, very drunken, self. I ended up getting off with a woman who wasn't too good looking, but I can't complain because she was the only fucker who actually came up to me and made a move. There is probably god reason for this cause I was completely and utterly smashed and I looked like a total tramp. I did end up getting a drink chucked over me by some militant little dyke who doesn't like men full stop. I fell down the stairs and chucked a drink over me...I ended up wearing most of my drinks rather than consuming them.
My elbow is very sore though from where I fell down the stairs...luckily I don't think anyone actually saw me do it, because it was rather embarrassing.
I have woken up very horny this morning though, and I very nearly had a good old blowjob from the local chav lad who "isn't gay" in the cottage near my house...but I was a good boy...also it's because he left before I could make a move lmao!
I sound like such a pervert....well guess what. I AM!
Thursday, 21 October 2010
Tuesday, 19 October 2010
If you could make one person fall in love with you who would it be?
someone who I didn;t have to make fall in love with me
Would you rather work at a large company or a small one?
Either or, as long as it pays my bills haha
Do you have any scars on your body? If so, how'd you get them?
I have loads! One on my knee from a cancer operation, one on my groin from a hernia operation...and loads of others from general bumps and scrapes
Anyway, after a few drinks you break the I went for a piss, completely forgetting about this guy stood staring. So there I was stood at the urinal peeing away, when the door opens and this guy comes and stands right next to I will admit I do like a bit of cottaging, but this completely threw me. Then I could feel it, the dreaded red face and nervousness coming on, especially when he started speaking to me...while I had cock in hand and was still pissing. Now I tend to be quite shy in general anyway when people come up and talk to me in clubs or bars, I don't know why, I just don't think I'm that attractive and there were plenty more better looking people than me in the club, so it just makes me retract in myself for some reason.
This guy was actually quite nice and real be honest I did kind of gather that he just wanted my cock, hence him following me to the toilet, but I pushed that aside for a minute lol.
Anyway, the same night, my cousins friend came up to me and said that I was "too shy" when I was meeting new people and that it was "very endearing". This seemed reasonable, well the too shy bit did anyway. What confused me is the same person, not a day later, sent me a message on Facebook apologising for what she said and then proceeded to say that I was "too good looking" and that I "intimidated" people and that they were too scared to come up to me and chat cause they were afraid they'd get rejected. WTF?!
I think I'm a bit of a munter if I'm being perfectly honest, and I don't understand how someone can be "too good looking". I do get the intimidating bit though, cause if I see someone I think is hot, I daren't chat to them, cause the shyness kicks in again and I end up talking complete and utter shite, and making myself to look a right knob!
This is probably why I'm single and never really pull in the real world. Give me the internet and a mobile and I'm fine, I can talk the talk and all that shit...but put me in a social situation with a hot guy and I might as well crawl back under the cyber rock I came from. I never used to rely on the internet to meet people...and I feel like a bit of an idiot for doing so, but it seems its now the only way for me to meet people and stuff.
Oddly enough, I'm fine on porn shoots.
Thats my rant over for the night
On a lighter note, I've designed 3 more tattoos that i'm getting and also I've decided on how I want my hair done. So once the hair is done and the first of the three tatts i'll upload some new pics =D
Wednesday, 13 October 2010
Thursday, 30 September 2010
Who and when was your first kiss?
A guy from high school, who then became a twat and decided to out me to the whole school and my family
When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?
I wanted to be in the circus...and I was for a period
How many languages do you speak?
2 fluently, English and French and I'm also learning German and Spanish
Tuesday, 28 September 2010
These made me giggle haha!
I'm the pheasant plucker's mate.
I am only plucking pheasants
Because the pheasant plucker's late.
and on the slitted sheet I sit.
Two smart fellows; they felt smart.
Three smart fellows; they all felt smart.
Nor the fig pluckers' son,
But I'll pluck figs
Till the fig plucker comes.
Not a punt cut square,
Just a square cut punt.
It's round in the stern and blunt in the front.
Mrs Puggy Wuggy has a square cut punt.
Monday, 27 September 2010
Weird but very horny dream
Basically I was in a gladiator school (like on Spartacus) and I was a slave helping out with the training and bringing swords, food etc etc. The Domina (lady of the house) summoned me to "service" two of her best gladiators...which I did, I ended up getting fucked in the house by these two big muscular sweaty gladiators, and then the hand maidens came and joined in, now I've not licked a woman out for a long time, but it was fucking hot going down on one of them while being fucked by a gladiator...ok I've just set myself off again
I REALLY think I should stop watching Spartacus...or failing that, get a bi-porn shoot sorted where that actually does happen! Anyone know anyone I can pitch this to? haha
Weird but very horny dream
Basically I was in a gladiator school (like on Spartacus) and I was a slave helping out with the training and bringing swords, food etc etc. The Domina (lady of the house) summoned me to "service" two of her best gladiators...which I did, I ended up getting fucked in the house by these two big muscular sweaty gladiators, and then the hand maidens came and joined in, now I've not licked a woman out for a long time, but it was fucking hot going down on one of them while being fucked by a gladiator...ok I've just set myself off again
I REALLY think I should stop watching Spartacus...or failing that, get a bi-porn shoot sorted where that actually does happen! Anyone know anyone I can pitch this to? haha
Mmmmmm nom nom nom
I am starting my own photography portfolio again, something that I have had an interest in for a long time...yes folks, another porn actor is picking up a camera and going taking some pictures. I am not looking at doing porn-y ones, just some artistic ones that I can show my mother and stuff HA!
Well, I shall settle down and carry on watching Spartacus: Blood and Sand...(I have to say, that show is hot! There are enough naked men an women in there to satisfy any human being)...while I have a cheeky rum and coke...
Au revoir
Whats new pussycat
Tuesday, 21 September 2010
Monday, 20 September 2010
Wednesday, 15 September 2010
It's been a while
However, I am now back home and trying to find some new work. I was successful with my application to, which really surprised me! I've just got to sort out a meeting with the guy who runs it now. Not so successful with some other sites...ah well.
One of my shoots from is now up on the site, it's the dark one where I get whipped/flogged and tied up by Sebastian. It looks alright hehe.
I am going on a spree now, I need to put on some weight to turn into muscle, I want to gain about another stone or more of muscle and see how I look'll go one way or the other you watch haha!
So yeah, not much exciting stuff, but plenty of it!
Speak soon
Tuesday, 7 September 2010
Porn Work
Sunday, 5 September 2010
New Photos...there's a lot so this might be a long blog bit.
Saturday, 4 September 2010
Some of my better photos...or so I like to think lol
Chavy Much |
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Nice and Dirty |
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Hard...well thats was obvious |
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Bottom...tee hee |
Moody |
Shadow |
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On holiday in Zante haha |
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Mechanical |
So yeah, these are 8 of my favourite pics of me. Or ones that other people have said they like as well...what do you think? I've had a photoshoot today with some new ones (the one of my arse with the red jockstrap is one of them) so there will be many more to come when I get the CD tomorrow ;-)