Monday, 27 September 2010

Weird but very horny dream

OK, I've only just fully remembered my dream from last night, and it got me quite horny and hard after I'd thought about it.

Basically I was in a gladiator school (like on Spartacus) and I was a slave helping out with the training and bringing swords, food etc etc. The Domina (lady of the house) summoned me to "service" two of her best gladiators...which I did, I ended up getting fucked in the house by these two big muscular sweaty gladiators, and then the hand maidens came and joined in, now I've not licked a woman out for a long time, but it was fucking hot going down on one of them while being fucked by a gladiator...ok I've just set myself off again

I REALLY think I should stop watching Spartacus...or failing that, get a bi-porn shoot sorted where that actually does happen! Anyone know anyone I can pitch this to? haha

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